Thanksgiving is a day of giving thanks and celebrating with family and friends. It is also a day to socialize and catch up around the table while enjoying tasty dishes and taking part in family traditions. With a little planning, families can also incorporate some healthy recipes and physical activity into the day. 


  • Eat a Healthy Breakfast - For a healthy, holiday themed breakfast, try whipping up this pumpkin parfait or these pumpkin oatmeal energy bites
  • Turkey Day Walk - Take a morning hike or stroll as a family, or join a community Turkey Trek, Trot or Toddle near you.
  • Family Sporting Events - Organize some family fun for a pre-meal activity. Get moving with some turkey tag, flag football, or even a turkey day scavenger hunt. See who can hold up a hula hoop the longest, or jump rope the most times without stopping. 
  • Stay Hydrated - Drink plenty of water. For a festive option, try swapping out the juice in this recipe with cranberry juice for a fruity fizzy water
  • Offer Healthy Options - If you are hosting, offer a healthy appetizer, such as a salad, or some store bought or homemade hummus with fresh vegetables. 
  • Be a Healthful Guest - This year, offer to bring a healthy side such as roasted root vegetables with maple glaze or roasted delicata squash. If asked to bring a dessert, you might try this pumpkin bread or a healthy pumpkin pie
  • Repurpose Leftovers - Not sure what to do with leftovers? Check out some of these great ideas for using leftovers of turkey, potatoes, veggies and more!  

What additional healthy ideas can your family come up with? Check out this page for more healthy Thanksgiving recipes


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This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - SNAP in cooperation with Maryland’s Department of Human Services and University of Maryland Extension. University programs, activities, and facilities are available to all without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, religion, protected veteran status, genetic information, personal appearance, or any other legally protected class.