To make a donation or payment using your card (bank/credit/debit) via PayPal, click on the "donate button." You do not need to have a PayPal account to make a donation through PayPal. You will also be able to designate the purpose of the donation or payment (for example: "Ticket purchase", or "Seminar Meal Purchase," or "Unrestricted Donation," etc.)


The LEAD Maryland Foundation relies on grants, donations, fees, and other support. Your donation or gift is appreciated. Donors are recognized for the fiscal year the donation was made. LEAD Maryland Foundation's fiscal year is July 1 - June 30.


To make a donation by check, please make checks payable and mail (with completed form) to:

LEAD Maryland Foundation, Inc.

124 Wye Narrows Drive

Queenstown, MD 21658

LEAD Donation Form


For more information or to make a stock donation or other gifts, including noncash gifts, please contact LEAD Maryland Foundation Executive Director Susan R. Harrison at 410-827-8056, x136. 


Thank you for supporting LEAD!